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منتديات مزيكا اريبيا

عزيزى الزائر انت غير مسجل لدينا

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منتديات مزيكا اريبيا

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

شبكلة ابداعات العرب للبرامج والالعاب

    حصريا لعبة Cognition Episode 1 The Hangman-FLT

    عضو نشيط
    عضو نشيط

    عدد المساهمات : 113
    تاريخ التسجيل : 27/10/2012

    حصريا لعبة Cognition Episode 1 The Hangman-FLT Empty حصريا لعبة Cognition Episode 1 The Hangman-FLT

    مُساهمة من طرف ُELDELAR الجمعة نوفمبر 02, 2012 4:46 am

    حصريا لعبة Cognition Episode 1 The Hangman-FLT Cognition_Post_zpseb7580f5

    Cognition Episode 1 The Hangman | 1.88 GB
    Language: English
    Platform: PC
    Release: 01/11/2012
    Genre: Adventure
    episodic detective game, Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller is a
    supernatural thriller developed with help from renowned designer
    Jane Jensen, and graphic novel style visuals created by comic book
    artist Roman Molenaar.

    Three years ago, FBI agent Erica Reed
    lost her brother to a serial killer who was never caught. During this
    desperate investigation, she developed the strange and unpredictable
    power of post-cognition: by touching an object, she can see its
    past and the events that happened on, to, or around it. Though
    undeniably useful in her line of work, this skill makes her uneasy
    and has caused her problems professionally and personally. Now a
    newserial killer is on the move—one who leaves behind clues perfectly
    suited to Agent Reed's unique abilities. Has someone learned her secret?
    What do they want from her? More importantly: by working this
    case, will Erica finally uncover enough evidence to bring her
    brother's killer to justice?

    Installation Information:

    * Burn or mount
    * Install the game
    * Play the game


    حصريا لعبة Cognition Episode 1 The Hangman-FLT 3_zps61ba0008

    حصريا لعبة Cognition Episode 1 The Hangman-FLT 2_zpscd7ec6de

    حصريا لعبة Cognition Episode 1 The Hangman-FLT 1_zps469e3f19

    حصريا لعبة Cognition Episode 1 The Hangman-FLT 7dca076bfcc5_zps884809a6
    (All below links are interchangable. No password)

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